Your Heart And Mind Are Connected

Contrary to what many people think, it’s easy to meditate. All it takes is a little practice. Meditation is the focusing of the mind on a single point and disallowing other thoughts to affect or penetrate that focus. Meditation can be simple and can be as short as 5 minutes. Training the brain to meditate is the same as training any muscle in the body. The more you do it, the easier it gets. I recommend that you practice for 5 minutes every day and built up the time from there. Before long, you’ll be meditating for 30 minutes easily.

Learn about 6 different ways to meditate below and find the best one for you. Set a timer and increase the time every day and you will soon begin to notice the benefits.

Breathing Meditation

This is by far the most common focused meditation. Our breath is always with us, and by focusing on the breath, we actively calm our minds down. Here’s how: notice the pause at the top and bottom of your breath. That is the space of nothingness – of bliss. Slow your breathing down and count your in-breath for 5 and your out-breath for 5. As thoughts arise in your mind, acknowledge they are there and then dismiss them. Each time you dismiss them, bring your attention back to your breath. Set a timer for five minutes and lengthen the time with each session.

Candle Meditation

As expected your focus for this meditation is a candle – or rather a candle’s flame. Light a candle and turn off the lights. Notice the way the flame flickers, let yourself be drawn in by it. Let your gaze soften. Do your best not to blink too often but do not spend time thinking too much about that. Breathe slowly as you gaze upon the flame, allowing yourself to become fully absorbed by the flame. Allow any thoughts that enter your mind to be pushed into the flame to be burned away.

Walking Meditation

Unlike more meditation techniques, walking meditation is done with your eyes open – for obvious reasons! Take a walk outdoors. If you are able to have bare feet then this is advantageous. As you walk, become aware of the sounds around you, the sensation of the air on your skin, the posture of your body and of each step you take. walk mindfully and slowly, taking everything in. As with the other forms of meditation, as thoughts enter your mind, let them go. Perhaps imagine dropping them on the path behind you as you walk, returning them to the earth. Great places to do a walking meditation are the beach or a forest but anywhere at all that you can walk works.

Writing Meditation

Grab a notebook and a pen and then settle down to begin this meditation. Think of a few affirmations or of something you want to change about your life and simply start writing. As thoughts come to your mind, write them down, no matter what they are. After five or ten minutes, stop and read aloud (or whisper) what you have written. By reading aloud you hear the message clearly and this helps you to release any negative thoughts that came up and affirm the positive ones.

Movement Meditation

This type of meditation is similar to walking meditation only you stay in one place with your feet rooted in the ground. Again, it is better to be barefoot if you are able to be. Close your eyes and bring your palms to your heart. Inhale and raise your arms overhead. Exhale and bring them down beside your sides. Inhale and with palms facing upwards, bring your hands together again in from of your heart and exhale. Repeat this 20 times allowing all of your attention to breathing in and out with each movement.

Mandala Meditation

A mandala is an image created within the confines of a circle. Creating mandalas or colouring them allows the creative centre of your brain to become active. This, in turn, allows you to make better decisions and release negative thoughts. You may even find that words come to you as you draw or colour. If you already know how to draw mandalas then map one out or simply print off a mandala to colour. If you haven’t downloaded my mandala colouring book, there’s a copy waiting for you in my FREE Resource Library

Have you tried any of these techniques? How did it go for you? Please leave me a comment below.

Suz McDonald

Suz McDonald

Holistic Wellbeing Specialist

Suz McDonald is passionate about helping others to heal their past and step onto their spiritual path. She is a certified ThetaHealing® Master/Instructor, Reiki Master/Teacher, sound therapist, yoga teacher and mindfulness coach. She combines these techniques to bring about positive change in your life.

Join Suz for a one-to-one consultation, workshop, retreat or class and take the first step to changing your life for the better.


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