“I always feel like somebody’s watching me” ~ Rockwell ft. Michael Jackson

If you’re old enough to remember this song then I’m sorry for giving you an earworm šŸ˜‚

Many of my clients feel they are being watched when they go out. It makes them feel unsafe and creates anxiety.

One such client, Amy*, used to have to position herself with her back to a wall when out for drinks with friends so that no one was behind her looking at her.

Going out caused her so much anxiety that she physically shook with fear.

Turns out that Amy had almost died during childbirth!

This left her feeling exposed, vulnerable and scared for her life in many seemingly normal situations. The thought of not being able to see danger around her was the root of her anxiety.

What we discovered together was that she believed that if she died, no one would be there for her daughter. This caused her mind to look everywhere for possible danger so that she could stay alive.

She knew this was irrational but had no idea how to stop it.

Amy had an Inner-Discovery session the day before a planned night out with friends which she had been dreading. Together we released the trauma and the fears that had been created during childbirth and I gave her new ways to view the world so that she could tell the difference between real danger and danger that her mind was creating.

The day after her night out, Amy messaged me to tell me that she had had a great time, wasn’t nervous at all and hadn’t had the shakes once.

I never know where an Inner-Discovery session will take my client. But I know that once we have released the trauma and cleared the fears, every single one of my clients has felt lighter and more confident.

This technique is gentle, fast and incredibly powerful. It is the backbone of my Calm, Confident Mind Methodā„¢ and I have been using it with clients for 10 years now.

It truly is a privilege to help my clients overcome their anxiety.

With blessings and gratitude

Suz x

PS To arrange a chat with me to see if you are a good fit to have an Inner-Discovery session with me, please book a FREE 20-minute chat with me over the phone by clicking here >

* Name has been changed to protect identity

Related Post: Birth Trauma – 6 Steps To Aid Recovery

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Suz McDonald

Suz McDonald

Holistic Wellbeing Specialist

Suz McDonald is passionate about helping others to heal their past and step onto their spiritual path. She is a certified ThetaHealingĀ® Master/Instructor, Reiki Master/Teacher, sound therapist, yoga teacher and mindfulness coach. She combines these techniques to bring about positive change in your life.

Join Suz for a one-to-one consultation, workshop, retreat or class and take the first step to changing your life for the better.
