The Ravensrock Witchery

Handcrafted with Love and a Touch of Magic




Welcome to The Ravensrock Witchery

Many of the items featured here are handmade by me at my home, Ravensrock in rural northeast Scotland using gifts from nature found on my land; fir cones, lavender, tree branches etc.

Some items can be shipped worldwide whilst others may only be available in the UK.

Have a browse and get in touch if you would like to purchase something. I offer a variety of payment options but I do not offer online shopping as I prefer to give a more personal service.

To see my latest offerings, please join my Facebook group which I update regularly with newly made stock.

Handcrafted Products & Other Magickal Items


My wands are made using bonding polymers and resins and have crystals added. They are then decorated and embellished. They come in a variety of sizes and all have an energetic meaning or purpose. 

My Facebook group is regularly updated with newly added wands. Please head over and join.

Information For New Wand Owners (click to view)

If you have bought or have been gifted a wand and the QR code has led you to this page, here is all you need to know about your new tool:

  1. Much like tarot cards, your wand will bond with your energy. The more you use it, the more you will become familiar with its subtle energy.
  2. To cleanse your wand, pass it through incense smoke or smudge it using a smudge stick.
  3. Keep your wand away from direct heat sources, bright sunlight and open flames.
  4. Your wand is not a toy. Do not allow children to play with it.
  5. If you have any questions about your wand, please join the Facebook group and post any questions along with a photo of your wand there.

Crystal Grids

Crystal grids are used to focus intention on a specific outcome. Use them with the crystals provided or with any other crystals you own. Your intuition will help guide you on what to create a crystal grid for.

Click here for instructions on how to use your grid.

Smudge Sticks

Made with lavender grown in our garden. Lavender smudge is wonderful for clearing space and inviting in calming, positive energy. Stocks are currently very low and will not be replenished until more lavender starts to grow after the winter.


Pendulums can be used to help you make a decision that aligns with your highest good. They can also be used for divination and to check the alignment of chakras and many other things. You can use your pendulum alone or with a pendulum board.

Click here to discover how to use your pendulum.

Distance Healing

A distance healing session combines ThetaHealing with Reiki for a powerful, intuitive experience. I will work on any issues you request, physical, mental and/or emotional. Additionally, you will receive a space clearing, aura cleanse, chakra balance, left and right brain balance, soul healing, soul fragment retrieval and unconditional love boost. The session will take place at a mutually agreed time ad you will receive a voice recording of the session afterwards.

Book your distance healing session via the Facebook Group.

Oracle Card Reading

If you are looking for some guidance, I will ask the cards for you. Ask me one, clear and specific question and the cards will reveal answers. I typically read 3 cards in a session and you will receive a photo of the cards and a voice. recording of your reading.

Book your distance healing session via the Facebook Group.


It’s always handy when you can wear your favourite crystals as a necklace or pendant. I stock a small selection of crystal pendants. Keep an eye on the Facebook group for updates on new arrivals.

Pendulum Boards

The perfect tool to use with your pendulum. Get easy answers to your questions. I stock a wide selection of boards. Check out the Facebook Group for updates and where to buy.

Want to book a healing or reading? Drop a message here.

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